Friday 6 December 2013

NAME: Ellie (Vivirelie) Lirtav
RACE: Breton
GENDER: Female
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Relatively short for a Breton at 5"3, Ellie is undoubtedly petite - genetics meaning that no matter how strong she is in actuality, it will never be reflected in physical appearance. Apart from her build, Ellie doesn't show very many signs of her ancestry - hair a rich blonde (a far cry from her mother's brunette), eyes a honey brown (while her mother's are a striking blue) and slim hips and shoulders, where her mother is broader. The only similarity, in fact, between the two - is their oddly prominently pointed ears. The Lirtav line has been known, in High Rock, to be one of the strongest carriers of Aldmeri genes amongst the Bretons.
RELIGION: (Religion-specific deity) A traditional Bretony Pantheon belief, particularly fond of Phynaster, Zenithar and Stendarr.
POLITICAL ALLEGIANCE: Neither. Ellie strives to change the Stormcloaks so that their motives and actions are complimentary to how she believes they can move forwards.
BACKGROUND: Ellie grew up in High Rock - her family of nobles well known amongst the people. She became quickly irate with the Imperial forces; promising their endless support and delivering next to nothing - allowing her family to be destroyed for treason they hadn't committed while she slept. Having shed blood to save her own life, she fled to Skyrim for safety. She opted to change how she was referred in order to prevent being tracked, only giving those who asked 'Ellie' to refer to her as - which caused some suspicion amongst those she met and stopped Ellie from making any firm friends. 
Soon after, she was found warding off ice wraiths and was invited to join the Stormcloak Army under the control of Ulfric Stormcloak. Although she didn't agree with his motives, Ellie felt that defending one's own people was a valiant cause, and happily opted to help the Nords in hopes of her own safety. She eventually hoped to change the objectives, so that the Stormcloaks could, in turn, free each province of Tamriel of the darkness that had befallen from being part of an empire, but with the loss of the Stormcloaks, her dreams were reduced to rubble. She lives now, sour, and under continual watch of the Imperials, as a simple guard - watching no more interesting things than the occasional stolen sweet roll.
PERSONALITY: She lies bitter in the face of defeat, and disappointed in the lack of willing to change from humanity. Ellie believes strongly that the Imperial army simply wanted to win because it was 'another victory' and feels that the other provinces (including her home) have been robbed of a chance of liberation as their own land. Despite her snappy exterior, Ellie is surprisingly wise - she takes a long time to mull over even the smallest of decisions, considering every possible outcome before she will commit to a cause. For this reason, she refuses to believe that she is wrong about anything - and if she is, she'll find a reason to make people think she's right. As kind as her intentions are, other people often find it difficult to trust her - as Ellie reveals very little about her past in order to keep her from being slaughtered by the High Elves in Skyrim where she stands. For this reason, Ellie also finds it difficult to trust others and remains both wary and vigilant at all times.
STANDING STONE: (Mage/Warrior/Thief) Warrior.
STAR SIGN: The Serpent. (Ellie's always hated the fact that she's been born under this sign, and wishes she had something more useful.)
MAJOR ATTRIBUTES: Destruction, conjuration, restoration, light-armour and archery.
COMBAT STYLE: Often opts for bow and arrow at long range and a bound sword in close range - as although destruction is her biggest asset, Ellie has a constant wariness about who could be watching for any sign of her whereabouts.